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RG65 2023 TT Overall after Round 8 (7 events)

Here are the overall results with 7 events sailed and 4 to count.

RG65 TT Rounds#7 & #8 @ Woodspring

Whilst waiting for the report to be generated, here are the results for Saturday and Sunday.

There are some photos taken by Errol Edwards on Sunday at TT #8 here

2023 TT Series Overall after 5 events sailed

Here are the overall series results after 5 events have been sailed with 2 discards. 

RG65 TT #6 at Bournville – 2/7/23

A great turnout of 19 skippers arrived at Bournville for the event. Two fleets were the order of the day, particularly as the wind was forecast to increase and generate some lively conditions. A westerly prevailed for the day, but it was anything but steady. Much frustration was evident as skippers made changes from 1st to 2nd rigs and back again whilst the wind strength rose and fell to contradict the skippers’ efforts. There were two instances of de-masting and various other strength testing happenings. Repairs were skilfully implemented under pressure of time to resume sailing and get those much sought after points.
Most skippers found themselves in A fleet and then B fleet at various times, and it was not all one way for the top five.
Good sportsmanship was displayed by everyone with all contacts being resolved with penalty turns completed quickly. In all, the RG65 class provided some fast and close quarter action which all enjoyed taking part in.

2023 RG65 TT3 & TT4 @ Datchet

TT Round3 – Sat 3rd June 2023

Five RG65 sailors turned up for round 3 of this years TT. Despite a small crowd there were 3 different designs a Sith, Skinno, and 3 Uno one of which had been carefully put together in kit form by Doug Penman.

After a comprehensive briefing by Hugh McAdoo we donned our life jackets a launched out RG’s for the first race of the day. The day would be split into one initial race with a break for adjustments then a series  of three races with breaks in between. 
With the wind around 8knts gusting 14knts it was solid high aspect with some discussion as to think about starting with low aspect. 
With racing underway Rohan Williams took the first 3 races with Wayne Stobbs then setting the pace with his 5 win streak only being broken by Mike Kemp. Unfortunately Phil Holliday had receiver issues and was on more than one occasion in the lead to then be left without sheeting ability – very frustrating however.  The afternoon brought with it a lull in the wind causing an abandoned race and a stay in proceedings and perfect time for a lunch break in the canteen.
Everyone was excited about the afternoon session and it was all to play for and with such close racing throughout was really exciting especially as the wind had increased with many opting for a lower aspect rig to cope with the gusts coming over the club house. 
The racing continued throughout the fleet in the afternoon with got tactical racing both upfront and in mid-fleet. After a great day sailing the prizes went to Mike Kemp in 3rd with Wayne Stobbs taking 2nd and Rohan Williams coming home in 1st. 
TT Round4 – Sun 4th June 2023
Greeted by similar winds to Saturdays TT3, TT4 was set for yet another day of champagne sailing. Sunscreen, hats and life jackets donned we launched ready for a fantastic day under the close eye once again of PRO Hugh McAdoo. 
It was Phil Holliday and his Skinno taking the first win of the day with two Uno crossing seconds behind it set the tone and was clear; make a mistake and you are at the back. The next win went to Rohan Williams followed by Dorian Crease taking his first win. This trend was set to continue for some exciting battles most of which decided the winner on the last leg of the course. 
Race 5 gave us a redress hearing after an unfortunate coming together but this allowed Rohan Williams to open up a lead but in race six Rohan went around the wrong marks by mistake and took him from first to last on the water in a heart beat. 
With all to play for in the afternoon, the wind picked up enough to go down to low aspect and the game was on again with lots to think about with the windward gate as the wind would favour different sides for each race and also the choice do l go out in wind or hope for a lift along the wall which sometime paid off. 
A keenly fought competition came to a close with Rohan Williams taking the podium with 12 points followed by Dorian Crease on 18.5 points and Phil Holliday taking 3rd position on 25 points.

Huge thank you to Datchet for hosting the class over the two days and looking forward to further TT events later in the year.

French RG65 Nationals 2023 – Overall

After a closely fought battle over two and a half days of racing in generally light and shifty winds, Christophe Boisnault (Uno – FRA) took the top spot with Graham Elliott (Electronica – GBR) second and Achille Chatin (Ivy – FRA) in third. There were a total of 6/7 different designs in the Top 10, with no one design dominating. It’s seven designs if you consider that a Skinny-Niourg is different to a Skinny.

2023 RG65 TT-1 & TT-2 Report and Results

RG65 TT-1 15th April 2023

The race team turned up to 15-18 mph winds from the north with light drizzle. Fortunately the drizzle stopped around 09:00 never to reappear. This just left the wind where it was and the skippers debating which rig to start with.

Racing got under way at 10:00 with Graham Elliott taking the first win followed by Chris Elliott & Rohan Williams. This was followed by an enforced break while the Sea Scouts launched their dinghies. The wind eased slightly during the break so all started race 2 with top rigs.

Although the wind strength was fairly consistent throughout the morning the direction wasn’t, there was fair amount of mark moving. 10 races were managed by lunchtime with Graham Elliott taking 9 wins and Chris Elliot the 10th. Second and third places were shared between the rest of the fleet.

We continued after lunch but after 4 races, in a break and without warning, the wind veered 90 degrees in around 30 seconds and stayed there for the rest of the day. A new course was quickly set on a different part of the lake and racing got under way again.

By the end of the day we had managed 22 races with 17 wins to Graham Elliott, Rohan Williams 3 wins, Chris Elliott and Dorian Crease with 1 each.

Later that evening, several beers were drunk, Toby Laux joined us and a good curry was eaten.

Thanks to the East Kent RSC race team Ralph Wilkinson and John Nash for their help in running the event.  Results as follows:

RG65 TT 2023 R1 15 Apr 2023 713727

RG65 TT-2 16th April 2023

It didn’t look very encouraging on arrival Sunday morning. The water looked like glass. By 09:00 a few puffs here and there had appeared from the south. A course was set and racing started at 09:30.

2 races were completed in light airs before the wind backed to the east and increased to 10-12 mph. Once again a new course was set on the same part of the lake as on the Saturday. It stayed there for the rest of the day.

19 races were completed, Graham Elliott with 11 wins, Toby Laux with his new Ivy got 6 wins, Chris Elliott & Rohan Williams had 1 each.

Again, thanks to the East Kent RSC race team Ralph Wilkinson, John Nash and Ian Lloyd for their help.

RG65 TT 2023 R2 16 Apr 2023 685612

Latest News

2023 TT Series

East Kent are finalising details for the first TT at Bartons Point on 15/16 April and hope to issue an NoR in the near future.

Potential Continental Championship

We thought that you might like to know that there is a Continental Race in the planning for 2024.  The likely venue is Lake Idro (20km West of Garda) over the period of 12-16th April 2024.  We will provide more details when the dates and location etc are confirmed.  As there is likely to be a limit on entries per country, the GBR RG65 NCA will be using the 2023 Traveller series as a qualifying ranking series.  The plan is to use a competitors best 5 counting races from the 11 events in this years Calendar. At this time we do not have allocation information per country.

2023 Calendar

The UK 2023 Traveller Series Events have been published on the Calendar page here

RG65 TT Overall

Here is how the series overall stands after 5 events. With 9 events in total and 5 to count for the series, there is plenty of opportunity for the standings to change by the end of the season.


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